Dynamic 365 Business Central : How to extend Activities Cue in Role center Page.
What is CUE? A Cue provides a visual representation of aggregated business data , like the number of open sales invoices. Cues are interactive, meaning that you can select the Cue to drill down to data or open another page, run code, and more. Cues display data that is contained in a table field. This data can be raw data or calculated data. Hi Viewer, To add cue extend Activities Cue(1313) table and Activities (1310) page Extensions. First Create a query and use it to add data in a field in the Cue table . query 50700 "Open vendor amount" { QueryType = Normal; elements { dataitem(VendorLedgerEntry; "Vendor Ledger Entry") { column(Remaining_Amt___LCY_LCY; "Remaining Amt. (LCY)") { Method = S...